Vietnam Silk Goods Trade Statistics Report (January to November 2024)
Fuente: Consejo Nacional Textil y de la Confección de China
Autor: Departamento de la Seda
Date: February 13, 2025
In the previous article, we learned about India’s silk import and export sales from January to November 2024. Interested friends can click this link to view it. Now let’s focus on Vietnam’s silk import and export sales from January to November 2024.
According to GTF statistics, from January to November 2024, the total foreign trade value of Vietnam’s silk goods was $162 million, a year-on-year decrease of 13.49%. Of this, exports amounted to $115 million, showing a slight decrease of 0.07%, while imports totaled $46.77 million, a decrease of 35.02%. (See attached tables).

Vietnam Silk Goods Exportaciones:
Table 1: Vietnam’s Exports of All Silk Goods to Major Markets (January to November 2024)
(Unidad: 10.000 USD)
No. | País/Región | Valor de las exportaciones | Cuota de mercado (%) | YoY Growth (%) |
- | Global | 11,535.27 | 100.00 | -0.07 |
1 | India | 7,300.24 | 63.29 | 0.01 |
2 | Japón | 2,017.78 | 17.49 | 1.60 |
3 | Laos | 1,085.57 | 9.41 | 18.57 |
4 | Tailandia | 291.14 | 2.52 | 51.21 |
5 | China | 248.51 | 2.15 | 10.45 |
6 | Hong Kong | 162.35 | 1.41 | -38.71 |
7 | Camboya | 145.91 | 1.26 | 1861.16 |
8 | Taiwán | 32.63 | 0.28 | 90.59 |
9 | Sin especificar | 251.14 | 2.18 | -60.08 |
(Fuente: GTF)
Table 2: Vietnam’s Silk Exports to Major Markets by Quantity and Price (January to November 2024)
(Unit: Ton, USD/Kg)
No. | País/Región | Volumen de exportación (toneladas) | Variación interanual (%) | Acción (%) | Price (USD/Kg) | Variación interanual (%) |
- | Global | 2,213.26 | -4.15 | 100.00 | 52.12 | 4.26 |
1 | India | 1,144.93 | -0.41 | 51.73 | 63.73 | 0.46 |
2 | China | 308.77 | -8.15 | 13.95 | 8.05 | 20.25 |
3 | Laos | 257.67 | 21.12 | 11.64 | 42.13 | -2.10 |
4 | Japón | 234.48 | -17.99 | 10.59 | 86.05 | 23.89 |
5 | Tailandia | 137.78 | 29.27 | 6.23 | 21.13 | 16.97 |
6 | Camboya | 29.35 | 1793.55 | 1.33 | 49.71 | 3.57 |
7 | Hong Kong | 25.51 | -38.24 | 1.15 | 63.64 | -0.76 |
8 | Taiwán | 5.12 | 86.28 | 0.23 | 63.72 | 2.32 |
9 | Sin especificar | 64.53 | -60.01 | 2.92 | 38.92 | -0.16 |
(Fuente: Aduanas de China)

Vietnam Silk Goods Importaciones:
Table 3: Vietnam’s Imports of All Silk Goods from Major Sources (January to November 2024)
(Unidad: 10.000 USD)
No. | País/Región | Valor de importación | Acción (%) | YoY Growth (%) |
- | Global | 4,677.64 | 100.00 | -35.02 |
1 | China | 3,805.54 | 81.36 | -36.32 |
2 | Uzbekistán | 478.84 | 10.24 | -49.52 |
3 | India | 368.74 | 7.88 | 521.55 |
4 | Japón | 18.16 | 0.39 | 126.62 |
5 | Brasil | 6.27 | 0.13 | -96.31 |
6 | Italia | 0.08 | 0.00 | -91.37 |
(Fuente: GTF)

Table 4: Vietnam Silk Imports from Major Sources by Quantity and Price (January to November 2024)
(Unit: Ton, USD/Kg)
No. | País/Región | Volumen de importación (toneladas) | Variación interanual (%) | Acción (%) | Price (USD/Kg) | Variación interanual (%) |
- | Global | 813.21 | -35.41 | 100.00 | 57.52 | 0.61 |
1 | China | 585.61 | -40.37 | 72.01 | 64.71 | 6.35 |
2 | India | 107.09 | 600.60 | 13.17 | 34.43 | -11.28 |
3 | Uzbekistán | 104.42 | -52.48 | 12.84 | 45.86 | 6.23 |
4 | Japón | 5.02 | -30.87 | 0.62 | 36.16 | 227.88 |
5 | Brasil | 0.95 | -96.54 | 0.12 | 65.77 | 6.74 |
(Fuente: GTF)
Note: The publication of this document by aims to provide more industry information, and the contents are for reference only.
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