In the previous blogs, we explored the 2024 silk trade data for China and the United States. In this blog, we will focus on the silk trade data for the 27 EU countries from January to August 2024, covering the following key points:
- 貿易概況:
- During this period, the EU’s total foreign trade volume of silk goods reached USD 7.798 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 2.7%. This includes exports of USD 3.413 billion, down by 7.82%, and imports of USD 4.385 billion, up by 1.69%.
- 輸出状況:
- Major export markets for silk goods include the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, China, and Japan. Demand from the United States and China showed slight growth, while exports to Japan declined significantly.
- The primary markets for raw silk exports include the United Kingdom, Tunisia, and Turkey. Demand for EU raw silk from Tunisia and Turkey increased.
- 輸入状況:
- The main sources of silk imports for the EU are China, Turkey, and Bangladesh. Imports from China grew significantly, accounting for 32.63% of the EU’s total silk imports.
- The primary sources of pure silk fabrics include China, Turkey, and South Korea. Although imports from Turkey declined, China remains a major source with notable growth.
ソース China Chamber of Commerce, Textile Import and Export
著者 シルク部門
日付 October 21, 2024
According to Eurostat data, from January to August 2024, the foreign trade volume of silk goods in the EU (27 countries) reached USD 7.798 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 2.70%. This includes exports of USD 3.413 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 7.82%, and imports of USD 4.385 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.69%. (For more details, see attached tables.)
Table 1: Export Value of Silk Goods from the EU (27 Countries) to Major Markets, January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸出額 | シェア(%) | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 341290.94 | 100.00 | -7.82 |
アメリカ | 47416.02 | 13.89 | 0.99 |
英国 | 33110.60 | 9.70 | -8.05 |
スイス | 32373.30 | 9.49 | -19.27 |
中国 | 26507.52 | 7.77 | 0.67 |
日本 | 19172.54 | 5.62 | -37.02 |
香港 | 19042.71 | 5.58 | -3.62 |
韓国 | 15914.71 | 4.66 | 2.17 |
ロシア | 12559.54 | 3.68 | -9.12 |
トルコ | 12182.40 | 3.57 | 13.73 |
アラブ首長国連邦 | 11134.56 | 3.26 | 16.19 |
Norway | 8327.72 | 2.44 | -2.62 |
チュニジア | 7483.17 | 2.19 | -11.15 |
Table 2: Export Value of Raw Silk Products to Major Markets from the EU (27 Countries), January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸出額 | シェア(%) | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 1319.52 | 100.00 | -6.81 |
英国 | 294.56 | 22.32 | -29.12 |
チュニジア | 281.33 | 21.32 | 16.55 |
トルコ | 190.70 | 14.45 | 11.45 |
アメリカ | 123.96 | 9.39 | -20.43 |
中国 | 75.13 | 5.69 | -1.22 |
South Africa | 64.89 | 4.92 | 202.96 |
Table 3: Export Quantity of Raw Silk Products from the EU (27 Countries) to Major Markets, January-August 2024
Units: tons, USD/kg
国/地域 | 輸出量 | 前年同期比(%) | 輸出価格 | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 206.90 | -9.72 | 63.78 | 3.22 |
チュニジア | 57.82 | -2.21 | 48.65 | 19.18 |
英国 | 31.65 | -26.44 | 93.07 | -3.64 |
トルコ | 26.47 | 22.80 | 72.05 | -9.24 |
アメリカ | 15.87 | 1.39 | 78.11 | -21.53 |
中国 | 12.94 | 28.09 | 58.07 | -22.88 |
Table 4: Export Value of Pure Silk Fabrics from the EU (27 Countries) to Major Markets, January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸出額 | シェア(%) | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 46385.68 | 100.00 | -6.00 |
チュニジア | 6634.24 | 14.30 | -12.95 |
モロッコ | 5878.10 | 12.67 | 24.20 |
スリランカ | 4523.24 | 9.75 | 5.74 |
中国 | 2903.46 | 6.26 | 15.96 |
セルビア | 2636.62 | 5.68 | -20.02 |
アメリカ | 1916.05 | 4.13 | -14.60 |
ベトナム | 1864.12 | 4.02 | 39.44 |
トルコ | 1759.71 | 3.79 | -21.55 |
Madagascar | 1636.53 | 3.53 | -30.24 |
Table 5: Export Value of Silk Finished Products from the EU (27 Countries) to Major Markets, January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸出額 | シェア(%) | 前年比(%) |
合計 | 293585.74 | 100.00 | -8.10 |
米国 | 45376.01 | 15.46 | 1.85 |
イギリス | 31526.38 | 10.74 | -7.79 |
スイス | 31311.84 | 10.67 | -19.27 |
中国 | 23528.93 | 8.01 | -0.94 |
日本 | 18788.94 | 6.40 | -37.19 |
中国、香港 | 17917.06 | 6.10 | -2.64 |
韓国 | 15483.64 | 5.27 | 3.75 |
ロシア | 11862.78 | 4.04 | -6.88 |
アラブ首長国連邦 | 10530.55 | 3.59 | 15.60 |
トルコ | 10231.99 | 3.49 | 23.31 |
Table 6: Import Value of Silk Goods from Major Sources to the EU (27 Countries), January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸入額 | シェア(%) | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 438486.02 | 100.00 | 1.69 |
中国 | 143065.52 | 32.63 | 4.61 |
トルコ | 62846.84 | 14.33 | -3.77 |
バングラデシュ | 50504.38 | 11.52 | 5.79 |
ベトナム | 22838.10 | 5.21 | 30.97 |
インド | 20254.45 | 4.62 | -3.04 |
モロッコ | 15178.47 | 3.46 | 4.57 |
カンボジア | 14401.27 | 3.28 | 20.90 |
チュニジア | 11213.90 | 2.56 | -26.87 |
英国 | 10512.84 | 2.40 | -2.17 |
パキスタン | 9024.51 | 2.06 | 1.22 |
アメリカ | 7184.44 | 1.64 | 8.64 |
Table 7: Import Value of Raw Silk Products from Major Sources to the EU (27 Countries), January-August 2024
国/地域 | 輸入額 | シェア(%) | 前年同期比(%) |
合計 | 13275.41 | 100.00 | -13.55 |
中国 | 11252.04 | 84.76 | -12.15 |
ブラジル | 780.84 | 5.88 | -26.26 |
ベトナム | 383.68 | 2.89 | -39.64 |
チュニジア | 221.09 | 1.67 | -21.01 |
インド | 187.65 | 1.41 | -15.26 |
スイス | 182.23 | 1.37 | 0.47 |
日本 | 148.15 | 1.12 | 49.22 |
Table 8: Import Quantity of Raw Silk Products from Major Sources to the EU (27 Countries), January to August 2024
Unit: Tons, USD/Kg
国/地域 | Import Volume (Tons) | 前年同期比(%) | Import Unit Price (USD/Kg) | Year-on-Year Price Change (%) |
合計 | 2174.44 | -13.89 | 61.05 | 0.39 |
中国 | 1943.07 | -12.84 | 57.91 | 0.80 |
ブラジル | 77.89 | -29.26 | 100.25 | 4.24 |
ベトナム | 44.47 | -42.63 | 86.27 | 5.22 |
インド | 36.60 | -5.43 | 51.27 | -10.40 |
チュニジア | 32.62 | 1.53 | 67.79 | -22.20 |
Table 9: Import Value of Pure Silk Fabrics from Major Sources to the EU (27 Countries), January-August 2024
Unit: 10,000 USD
国/地域 | 輸入額 | シェア(%) | 前年比(%) |
合計 | 40895.93 | 100.00 | -4.94 |
中国 | 16549.26 | 40.47 | 4.43 |
トルコ | 11654.45 | 28.50 | -13.36 |
韓国 | 3263.63 | 7.98 | -17.47 |
セルビア | 1719.95 | 4.21 | -7.42 |
スイス | 1542.53 | 3.77 | 15.31 |
イギリス | 1360.02 | 3.33 | -0.74 |
インド | 877.95 | 2.15 | -3.89 |
エチオピア | 777.72 | 1.90 | 16.91 |
ウズベキスタン | 592.68 | 1.45 | -33.37 |
ベトナム | 534.07 | 1.31 | 13.91 |
Table 10: Import Value of Silk Finished Products from Major Sources to the EU (27 Countries), January-August 2024
Unit: 10,000 USD
国/地域 | 輸入額 | シェア(%) | 前年比(%) |
合計 | 384314.67 | 100.00 | 3.08 |
中国 | 115264.22 | 29.99 | 6.62 |
トルコ | 51189.37 | 13.32 | -1.28 |
バングラデシュ | 50500.23 | 13.14 | 5.83 |
ベトナム | 21920.36 | 5.70 | 34.20 |
インド | 19188.86 | 4.99 | -2.86 |
モロッコ | 14973.74 | 3.90 | 6.01 |
カンボジア | 14401.11 | 3.75 | 20.90 |
チュニジア | 10857.60 | 2.83 | -27.18 |
イギリス | 9148.01 | 2.38 | -2.31 |
パキスタン | 9004.55 | 2.34 | 1.27 |
(Disclaimer: The content posted on is intended to provide industry information and is for reference only.)To learn more about the trade situation for silk products in the United States from January to August 2024, please refer to our previous blog. For more insights on silk products, follow the DOCSUN blog. If you’re interested in silk products, visit our website.